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A Tired Mom's Secret to Looking Well-Rested

I had a lovely morning in the salon this week (love you PattyDoug and Jamie!).  While I was there, I ran into a very sweet client and she said to me, "Stacey, you look so well-rested!"  You'd better believe I hugged her.  Her compliment has stayed with me for three days now, and I feel good about myself every time I remember her words. Granted, I had just had risen from my salon chair, so I was pretty darn relaxed and refreshed at that moment.  But let's be honest.  If you've ever visited my blog before, you'll know that I am the mother of three young children.  One of those children is still a baby.  Her older sister slips into our bed in the middle of the night, five out of seven nights a week.  I am a perpetual night owl, and my husband wakes extremely early.   I don't believe I've slept a solid night through in almost two years.  Suffice it to say that I am never, ever, EVER well-rested.

My client is not the only person to mention that to me recently, though; I have to believe that there is something to this "well-rested" look after all.

Of course there is.  Wanna know my secret.....?

best concealer for tired momsIt's Chanel Correcteur Perfection Concealer in Beige Clair #10.

I have used it for years.  I love it and never feel guilty about paying for it.  It's worth every penny.  Granted, I am perfectly happy with inexpensive, drugstore-brand nail polish and mascara.  But I absolutely refuse to compromise on my concealer.  Chanel is the clear winner.  This product is so light-weight, and it holds up well to the humidity here in Florida.  My dark under-eye circles are hereditary, allergy-induced, and a result of chronic sleep-deprivation (like most mamas I know).   But this?  This is the very best I've tried.  Other than sleeping a solid 8 hours every night, of course.  ;)

I would highly recommend this concealer to any mama who is preparing for a photo shoot.  Especially if you have long days and short nights like I do!

Happy Saturday, friends.  Enjoy your weekend, and stay up late if you want.  Use a little of this magic under your eyes on Monday morning and regret nothing.

You are most welcome.