on being grateful

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."  ~Marcel Proust Lately I've been thinking a lot about gratefulness.  The importance of teaching my children to have a grateful heart and to be humble and kind to others.  It's so easy, in this convenient world we live in, to take our blessings for granted.  In our great country, we are blessed with so much but seem to never find the time to appreciate it, to stop and truly be thankful for it.

Enter the 365/Grateful Project.

I have begun my own gratefulness journey by using just my iPhone and some favorite photo apps, and I'm sharing them on Facebook each day.  Each month, I'll compile them and come share them here on the blog.  I would love it if you would join me and share your blessings with the world as well!


In this moment, I'm grateful for the opportunity to raise our children near the sea.  And for a bit of one-on-one time with Daddy.


To learn more about the original 365/Grateful Project, head on over to The Creative Mama today.  You can read my full article there.  I'd love for you to join me, and so many photographers all over the world, so that we can teach our children to appreciate their blessings as well.  They watch us every day, you know.  As always, if you do decide to come along, leave your link here in the comments so we can share with each other.  I hope to meet many of you and am looking forward to spreading a little gratitude together!

Gratefully yours,
