Share for Chele

This morning on The Creative Mama, Angie Warren is sharing a heart-wrenching story of a woman... a mama... a wife... and a good friend... who was diagnosed with cancer just last week.  I can't imagine her pain, her anxiety, her fears.  If you would, please take just a minute to visit The Creative Mama today and read Chele Chestnut's story.  Then, take two more minutes and leave her an encouraging note or comment, whisper a heartfelt prayer for her, and/or simply donate $5 or more if you're able.  (I know I could easily spend $5 on a latte, and goodness knows I could forgo a day ~ or five ~ and use that money for good.)  Every little bit helps, and greatly helps to ease this mama's fears of how she will pay for testing, treatment, and surgery.  At this time, Chele's husband is unemployed, they are without insurance, and Medicaid is not an option for them.  My heart breaks for her and her family right now.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.

~C.C. Scott

Chele is the founder of Gather Inspirit and the voice behind The Bona Fide Life, in case you'd like to follow her online.  I know she covets your prayers and encouragement through this difficult time.  And I certainly appreciate it.

