Musings, Updates, and Another Feature | Tampa Area Photographer

As I sit here surrounded by the silence of almost-bedtime, I am thinking back on what a full day it has been.  Today was my oldest child's last day of school for the year.  For now, Parker is the only school-age child we have, and this is such a momentous occasion for a sentimental Mama like me.  We are proud and excited that as of this afternoon, he is no longer a first grader!  Second-grade, here we come.  This fall will start his first full year in the Center for Gifted Studies (after being on the waitlist for months, a spot opened up and we transferred him from his zoned school mid-year).  We're so proud of him and all he has accomplished, and how beautifully he has transitioned into his new school.  He was blessed with an amazing teacher (we adore you, Mrs. J!) who has been so instrumental in teaching Parker in the way he learns best, and for successfully getting him caught up with the rest of the class, who have all been in the gifted program for the entire year. Today I chaperoned his last field trip, which was a walk to the park and lunch at the playground.  It was a joy to watch him play with his friends, and to see all of his buddies hug him goodbye and see the whole class wave and blow kisses.  It warms my heart to know that he's surrounded by these caring kids, within a world where some kids would pick on each other for no good reason.  (Although I will admit that I was beyond hot and felt so lazy waddling slowly through the park with my round tummy and flip-flops, water bottle in hand.  Florida Summer, please be good to this pregnant mama!)

© Stacey Woods

After we left the park, we had ice cream together and played a little Wii to celebrate his "graduation status".  Then I took a tiny power-nap (to make up for too many late nights recently), finished up some client work, and then picked up our sweet girl from daycare.  She greeted me with the biggest hug ever, kisses galore, and so many giggles.  I love this part of my day!  The kids had dinner with Daddy so I could get a little more work done here at home, and when they got back, Parker and Chris played a game of chess while I got Lila ready for bed.  I read a couple of books to the kids as we all snuggled up in Lila's bed.  (Little House in the Big Woods and Pinkalicious... one favorite for each of them!)

As I type this, tired and exhausted from this ordinarily extraordinary day, my ankles look more like cankles and the Braxton-Hicks have started back up again.  It's time I get some restful sleep and yet another glass of water, because this month is as hectic as a person could imagine!  Chris keeps reminding me that I need my rest now, more than ever.  I hate to admit that he's right, and I'm realizing that I do indeed have limitations now that I'm in my third trimester.

I'm getting lots of inquiries for maternity + newborn (or simply newborn) sessions, and I'm so grateful for that.  Getting to hold and cuddle those sweet little lives make me oh-so-anxious for our new baby girl to get here this Fall.  I can't wait to hold her and drink her in and soak up her sweetness.

Speaking of sweetness, I was honored when the very kind Courtney from Click It Up a Notch contacted me about featuring an article I wrote for The Creative Mama last year, entitled Dreamy Summer Light.  I love photographing my clients in the beautiful Florida sunshine, and I did a little tutorial / explanation on it last year for our TCM readers.  You can read Courtney's post by clicking HERE.  Thanks so much, Courtney!