Whew! So much drama lately.

I think I'm ready to pop. :) I've been having contractions for over 2 weeks now. Little girl wants OUT! (Signs of a Diva in the making?? I hope not!) This turkey is not finished baking at just 30 weeks. I've got 10 more weeks to go! So, per doctor's orders, I'm drinking lots of water and lying down as much as possible. That means I had to go buy a laptop so I could proof in bed! (Yeah, you read that right... I'm technologically stubborn sometimes, so I haven't owned a laptop until now!) For that reason, I'm limiting my April sessions (I'm almost booked up anyhow) and scheduling mostly for May at this time. I'm also simplifying and shipping all orders instead of hand-delivering as I normally do. And if you need me, I'll still be available via email or phone... but I'll probably be answering from my cushy bed with my feet propped up!! LOL

I do have a tidbit of good news though. I finally passed that darn glucose tolerance test! Woohoooooo! I'm so tickled, honestly, you have no idea the sadness that went through my heart (and tummy) at the thoughts of no more lemonade and popsicles. LOL! I have lived on that stuff for 6 1/2 months now!! I flunked Round One of this Glucola garbage yumminess (aka Orange Triaminic + two cups of sugar). So as a result, I got to go to the lab for Round Two of this icky-sweet drink. Which meant fasting from midnight the night before the test, until the three-hour test was over. Let me just tell you.... almost 11 hours without food, when you're pregnant and FAMISHED, in a hot lab that has obviously never heard of air conditioning.... it's like shoving bamboo under the fingernails. Torture! (You can bet I hit the nearest fast-food drive-thru on the way outta that lab, that's for sure!) BUT, thankfully I got the call today that I PASSED! I'm not a gestational diabetic!! Of course, I celebrated by eating a handful of these wonderful yummy treats I found today... Starbucks Vanilla Bean Truffles. Mmmm, Heaven.... seriously.

Anyhow, here's a quick self-portrait in the bathroom mirror. Just in case you were wondering how gigantic I'm getting...


And yep, I cut my hair! I blame the pregnancy hormones, but actually, I really like it, and don't regret it one bit! THANK YOU PATTY!!! You are THE best. Muaaah!

Okay, back to bed I go. :)