Sick Day

Who am I kidding... sick week!  Today is the first day that my girls have been back to daycare since last Tuesday.  We are all but covered up in laundry, dishes (especially medicine droppers) tissues, blankies and coloring books.  The girls and I have all three been to the doctor in a week's time, with one ailment or another (somehow the boys got lucky this time).  My desk is a mess (my worst pet peeve), my voicemail is filling up, and my email inbox is overflowing.  My patience couldn't be much lower.  And a full night's sleep?  Well, I have three kids now.  We all know that I haven't had that in ages, right?  ;)

I am asking for a teeny bit of grace today and tomorrow while I attempt to catch up.  If you've contacted me recently and feel you might as well have called your local Congressman, given the lack of response... please don't give up on me.  I'm coming.  I promise.

Chin up.  Vitamins down.  Sweet tea poured (twice).  Music blasted.  Head down.  GAME ON.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.  You're irreplaceable.  xoxo