A Featured Article, a Webinar, a Chubby Baby, and Catching You Up

I am one busy girl this week.  Wanna take a peek at what's on my plate? We are on our last week of portfolio reviews over on the Chic Critique Forum.  Trying to get caught up on those!  They're a lot of fun, and I love being able to help other photographers take a fresh look at their work!

Today I'm sharing a bit of my black and white processing tips over on The Creative Mama.  If you would like a little bit of a peek at my before and after, processing a backlit near-silhouette photo from color to black and white, then check it out.  And yes, I do show you blown highlights and all.  On purpose, but still... it's pretty intimidating.  If you choose to comment, please be kind.  ;)

Last night, we had the dress rehearsal for Chic Critique's Celebrity Secrets Revealed Live Webinar, and it promises to be pretty amazing.  I'm honored to be considered for the lineup of photographers presenting!  On Monday, May 5, I'll be talking about shooting in low light, and giving you pointers and tips for doing it in your own clients'  homes.  You can sign up HERE and be a part of it!

I'm working on some improvements and additions to my Bloom Forum Mini-Workshop, Lifestyle: Your Style.  I hope to have that ready to roll out soon.  And I'm working on some updates and facelifts for the blog as well.  In all my spare time. ;)

And I'm shipping out a small truckload of client orders and prints this week.  I'm so behind!  A huge thank you to my ever-patient clients who have been so kind and gracious recently.  I can never thank you enough for all of your support and understanding.  You're so wonderful, and I'm lucky to know you.

I realized that I haven't shared a photo of Charlotte lately.  She turned six months last week!  Would you like to see how chunky she's gotten?

Loves nibbling her feet, having conversations with the ceiling fan, and laughs and smiles constantly.  And most recently, she loves avocados.  That's my girl.  Thankfully, our littlest love is sleeping through the night fairly regularly now.  She slept 10 hours last night and I think she barely moved the entire night.  She usually flip-flops around and ends up on her tummy by morning.  If we could only get the rest of the occupants in our house to stay in their beds, we would be all set!  Sadly, it seems that Lila cannot sleep separately from Parker.  When he sleeps in his own bed, she tiptoes into our room before dawn, without fail.  When he does sleep in her room, she has a bad dream or hears a noise and ends up in our bed anyway.  Which in turn wakes up the puppy, who is asleep in his crate in our living room.  And so the howling begins.  Our poor neighbors.  I can't tell you the last time either Chris or I got a solid eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.  No wonder I need anti-depressants, right?  ;)

Alright, so you're all caught up!  I have to go catch up now, myself.  I have a lot of matting, wrapping, shipping and writing to do before Parker gets home from school.  I've made him my official after-school running partner!