What Turning Four Looks Like

I love this part of the month.  I am so thankful to have been asked to join a very talented group of photographers to document "What _____ Looks Like" every month for a year.  It's made me more conscious of photographing my own kids as well. ///

Since we had to make a very last-minute trip to Kentucky earlier this month, it meant we would spend Lila's fourth birthday there as well.  I couldn't pack up birthday supplies, and that was of least importance to us when deciding to make the trip to see my grandma.  But I still wanted my girl's day to be special and remembered.  So we improvised at the last minute with simple decorations and things to make her afternoon special.

Luckily, the weather was absolutely beautiful.  Warm, but breezy... and best of all, no humidity!!  We spread out a quilt, hung balloons in the trees, and enjoyed watermelon and cupcakes on the lawn with the cousins. She couldn't have been happier.  And that's all that mattered.

This is What Turning Four Looks Like for my sweet Lila-bean.


She begged me for that pink princess guitar.  It's hideous!  But she loves it.  She carries it all around the house, strumming and grinning.  Maybe she'll be the next Jewel.

Charley brought over her La-La-Loopsies, and we put them to good use as decorations.  We called them "Lila-Loopsies".  (Those oh-so-messy cupcakes were delicious.)

Side note about the inherent differences in girls vs boys: Lila changes her clothes at least four times a day... she bases her decision on which dress is the twirliest, and which one has sleeves, and which shoes are the "clip-cloppiest".  If she spills a drop of milk on her shirt, she changes right away.  It's constant laundry with her.  And this kid?  Parker doesn't care what he wears.  All shirts go with all shorts, according to him.  Spilled milk?  Oh well, it'll dry eventually.  Stains?  Who cares, he's just going to get it dirtier playing outside anyway.  And if he were home, he'd just be wearing cargo shorts and no shirt.  And no shoes.  ;)

Aunt Trish making Charlotte giggle...  I loved this moment!

In the end, Lila told me it was the "betht birthday party ever!!"  Of course, she only has three other birthdays to compare it to, but that's not the point.  Sometimes simple can be the most memorable.

And there you have it.  This is What Turning Four Looks Like.

Has anyone else thrown together a birthday party at the last minute like this?  Did you find it stressful, or did you just relax and have fun with it?  I'd love for you to share your favorite party memories with me!


I hope you'll continue the round by visiting the very talented lifestyle photographer, Stephanie Moore | Tucson Family Photographer.  Her beautiful work always makes me swoon.  Coincidentally, her family is celebrating a fourth birthday this month as well!  Happy Birthday to her sweet boy!  ;)