the blog post i've been putting off...

For over a month.  (sigh)  I guess in my heart I didn't want to admit that it has really happened.  That my baby is no longer a baby. mytwo

She's a big girl now.  Yes, it's true.... Lila Kate has turned ONE!  My heart is broken yet joyful.  Proud yet disappointed, because you see, she's our last baby.  I will never again throw another 1st Birthday Party (hmm, which in itself is a blessing and a curse, lol!).

So I can't put this post off any longer.  Why?  Because Lila WALKED TODAY.  :)   Her first steps!  She took four big steps toward me before stopping and squatting back down again.  Lila, Parker and I had been dancing in the living room (they each love to be swung around on my hip, even Parker ~ as big as he is!), and we were swirling and spinning to Frank Sinatra's "Summer Wind".  Both kids were laughing hysterically as we twirled, and Daddy was even smiling at us from the couch.  (Probably laughing AT us under his breath, as Sinatra really isn't Chris's thing!)  I sat Lila down in the floor and plopped down myself, as Parker chattered excitedly to Chris, "She's standing, she's standing all by herself!!"  (She's been doing this for quite some time but Parker always acts as if it's her first time ever standing on her own.  What a proud big brother he is!)  Then without any warning at all, she spread her arms out and stepped once.... "She's WAAAALKING, honey, she's walking!!!"  She stepped again, and again, and after the fourth step toward me, she surely must have grown tired so she squatted back down again.  ;)  She just sat there and smiled the biggest, proudest smile I've ever seen!  We all clapped and "yay'ed" and hugged and kissed her all over.


Aaaaaand she didn't take another step the rest of the night.  LOL!

These images are all from her birthday party.  YOU'VE BEEN WARNED:  SNAPSHOT OVERLOAD!!  Sorry about that.  But I make it a priority to ENJOY my kids' parties instead of obsessing over the photography end of it (hard lesson learned, though).  So ignore the horrible lighting and the icky shadows and the boring crops ~ sometimes ya gotta throw the rules out the window and just DOCUMENT.  I get plenty of those "good shots" all the other times I photograph them.  ;)  Anyway, above, Lila is "walking" with Grandma Nancy (Chris's mom).  And yelling at her brother, if memory serves!


As I suspected, Lila handled the cake-smashing with dignity and grace.  (Translation:  She wanted NOTHING to do with this sticky, messy cake.  She picked at the icing ever-so-delicately with her thumb and forefinger, but had a hard time understanding WHY IN THE WORLD anyone would want to grab a handful of that chocolate crumbly stuff down underneath.)  And I can't say that I blame her, actually.  That cake was frosted with pink buttercream icing ~ who needs anything more?!  Yum!  ;)


Finally, she eased up and started to enjoy the mess-making ceremony, after much encouragement and clapping from Mama, Daddy, and a handful of family and close friends.  Hey, the girl knows when and how to play to her audience, that's for sure!  (PS, we had a "Circle Party", which was inspired by this article in Cookie Magazine.  Polka-dot plates, decorations, even the food was round!  Fruit skewers of grapes, banana slices, melon balls, etc.  Round crackers and cheese, burgers, etc.  A circle-shaped cake for Lila, and carrot-cupcakes for the rest of the kids.   Subtle, not too "theme-y", and super easy to put together!)


And then it was bathtime....  which called for kisses on the nose from Nammie (my mom) while waiting for the tub to fill.

birthday bathtime


Then lots of pink, girly presents to open.  (Now, that part she loved.  She's a master at tearing things apart and pulling items out of bags and boxes, I can attest to this for certain!)  She loved playing with her new pink kitchen, and secretly, so did her Bubby.  ;)  Shhhh......


cooking lesson

Sweet Lila.  Her little personality amazes me at times.  She's so independent already!  She's fed herself for quite some time now, and is doing pretty well now with a fork and spoon. Don't even try to feed her anything mushy or pureed anymore.  Bring on the good stuff!

She wants desperately to play with the big kids ~ so much that she's claimed her very own Wii remote, and will sit with the remote in one hand and the nunchuck in the other, as her big brother plays Lego Star Wars.  ;)  She growls at his dinosaur collection, and "reads" his books to herself.

She's fiercely attached to her Daddy, and will stand at the sidelight by the front door calling, "Dah?  Dah?" as he leaves the house.  She is the snuggliest little thing ever.

She hates to be clothed, yet one of her favorite pastimes is to open all of our dresser drawers and pull out every single article of clothing we have.  One at a time.  And then crawl away as if she had never seen such a mess in all her life.  She also refuses to wear shoes for more than 10 minutes, a trait that Chris is certain I passed along to her by way of my Kentucky upbringing.  Ahem.  ;)

She loves to eat, despite her petiteness ~ she's still under 20 lbs!  Avocados are her absolute favorite food ever.  She also loves cheese, bananas, blackberries, hummus, peas, and tomatoes.  (And yes, she's already enjoyed a yummy tomato sandwich or three, just like every good Southern girl should.)

Lila loves her big brother, even if he tries to smother her with kisses and smash her with his hugs.  His antics never fail to crack her up, and when she's fussy he simply sings to her... his little lispy voice immediately calms her down.  She would follow him anywhere.  It's a good thing too, because Parker loves her immensely.  Last week, I overheard him telling her gently, "Lila, when you fall down, I will alwayth catch you."  SWOON.

Happy Birthday, my sweet LilaCakes.  You are loved more than any of us can ever tell you.  We can't imagine life without you anymore ~ you've completely changed us ALL this past year.  And we are so very proud of you, our Big Big Girl.

Love, Mama

Daddy's girl

On my last trip home to Kentucky, I photographed my baby sister and her little family.  We kept these images under wraps for Chad for Father's Day, so I think it's safe to share them now.  :)  (I actually gave you a little sneak peek here!)  Now, finally, here are a few of my favorites from my afternoon in the country with Trish, Chad, and little Macy.  :) sweet pea

"Little Sweet Pea" is her Daddy's nickname for her.  So I grabbed this book off my son's shelf before I boarded the plane.  ;)  Perfect.  And nothing like a little game of peek-a-boo behind the bed curtains, right?  She's had this little stuffed boxer puppy since she was born, so of course we incorporated him into the session.  Love how she kept putting him behind the curtain and then pulling him out again.  I swear, her giggle was cracking ME up!


blog2Loved her onesie!

perfect just like my dad


With my sister, her pretty Mommy.  :)




Miss you, sweet girl!  Be good to your Mommy today.  ;)  xoxo

~Aunt Stace

*If you're looking for a giggle (or three, or four) make sure you visit Trish's blog.  She's got a great sense of humor and the most hilarious way of dealing with the challenges that parenthood brings.  And the cutest little "Kentucky-isms" and phrases you've ever heard.  LOL!  Go leave her some blog love.  :)

the one that makes my heart BURST.

As soon as I clicked the shutter, I swear I felt my heart flutter just a bit.  You see, this sweet boy has been begging me for SURFING LESSONS.  He wears a surfboard charm around his neck and he's worn Reefs since before he could even walk.  His hair is long, blond, and I'm more than a little jealous of his natural highlights.  He is slim and has the perfect build to be a surfer.  And here he is on his little skimboard, trying so hard to "hang ten" in the Gulf of Mexico, where, sadly and happily, we are not quite known for our rip-worthy waves. But none of that matters when you're five.  It's just you and your board against that little ripple coming at you.


God, how I love this child.  So very much.  I'm going to enlarge this as big as the sun, and hang it on his wall.  On canvas.  To show him how important he is.  How important his hobbies and loves and interests are.  How proud I am that he's himself, all the time.  My sweet lil' surfer dude.  :)

Umm, anyone know where I can get surfing lessons in the Gulf of Mexico?  ;)  I promised.

it's the little things...

... that I love so much about my family sessions.  Like a quick glance back.... and a sweet unexpected wave.  :)

Tiny feet...

And even silly faces!  (You just wait, these boys are going to be heart-breakers one day soon.  Just look at that wink!)

Honest portraiture.  That's what it's all about.  I aim to capture boys being boys (walking sticks and all)....

...babies being babies...

...Mamas and Daddies lovin' on each other.

Cause that's the heart of the family anyways, isn't it?  It's not some photographer making you sit still, turn your head this way or that.  Your family is about YOU.  Not me.  :)  I just want to photograph you the way you are.  Even if that means the baby has her fingers in her mouth!  (And seriously, how unbelievably precious is that anyhow?!)

Let me just say, this sweet family was awesome to work with.  The boys were so much fun, I think I laughed for the majority of the session.  And part of the time I held back a little ways, photographing them from afar, just watching them explore the water, the trees, the sticks, the horseshoe crabs who'd lost their way.  Mom and Dad were so laid back, which truly makes what my job so much easier.  Baby girl was snuggly and a little unsure at first, but by the end of the session, she was giggling in Daddy's arms.

And putty in Mama's.  ;)

Thank you, sweet family of six, for letting me capture who you are!  I hope you enjoy your images.  :)

in the blink of an eye.

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, in that carseat that seemed to swallow him whole.  Tiny blue onesie.  Sleepy blue eyes.  Itty-bitty cry.

Today, he turned five.  And I am feeling a little bittersweet.  So sad to think he'll be starting Kindergarten this fall.  Yet so proud to see him accomplish such "big-boy" things.  My heart both breaks and swells with pride as I watch him grow up right in front of my eyes.

I crept into his bedroom last night, after he was good and asleep, and I thanked God for giving me the honor of being this child's mother.  Thank you, God, for letting me take care of him here on this Earth.  Thank you for giving him such a sweet heart, and please guide me in the duty of nurturing that heart and mind as he grows.

We had a rather large celebration for him this weekend.  We are blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love him!  But since today was his actual birthday, we celebrated quietly at home... with a trip to the ice cream shop, some fun at the playground, and dinner at his favorite restaurant (Skyline Chili, LOL!).  Then we baked a cake at home, and laughed and loved until bedtime.  I couldn't ask for a more perfect ending to today.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy.  "I wuv you pieces."

Love, Mama.  xoxo

I heart them.

For one thing, they travel all the way from Tallahassee for their photo shoots.  (Ya gotta love clients who value your work this much!!)  They are positively sweet and so much fun at every session (and Dad is ever-patient while Miss Stacey teaches his son a couple of... well, unwelcome habits).  ;)  Christian is either a barrel of laughs or completely serious... sometimes changing from one to the other within seconds, which I LOOOOOVE.  I love expressive kids!  


And Adeline, well, it's always a treat to see her and her delicious chunky rolls.  She's in my Baby Plan, so I am lucky enough (and consequently, so are you!) to get to see them multiple times per year!  I cannot even tell you how much I love what I do....

I'll have your entire gallery up shortly, Angela!  I'm having a tough time narrowing down your beautiful proofs (as usual).  ;)  Enjoy!!

Post-a-palooza continues....

I loved this session... big brother was so fun and full of energy (as per the age!), and their Mama was so patient and gentle with them the entire session.  That makes my job SO much easier!!  (Thanks Ashley!!  xoxo)

He was so playful, and so much fun.  What I'd give, sometimes, to just be able to play in the floor all morning without a care in the world.

He danced and danced.  I loved the light coming from behind him while he bopped around.  :)  And that blur of his arm just gets me.... makes me remember the way he spun around with pure joy.  Oh to be a child again -- just for a few moments!

His beautiful little sister was awake, and completely the opposite of her brother (well, this particular morning at least -- I don't know what their Mama might say about most other days!).  ;)  During the shoot, she was calm and gentle, and so serene.  She quietly soaked up the room with her big brown eyes.  I adored her.

See the difference between these two?  It's quite the same at our house too, I assure you.  LOL!  

And I wouldn't change that for the world.  :)  


This poor blog.  It's been so neglected lately.  I've had so many sessions recently and so little time to share them with you all!  So today, I am attempting to catch you up somewhat with some recent client sessions, plus a little of my everyday life-stuff.  In no particular order!!  

First up, meet Tyler.  His daddy called me wanting a session that captured WHO Tyler was, not just what he looked like in this sweet little toddler phase.  Ahh, music to my ears.....

We headed to one of my favorite parks to play.  (You'll see this park in a lot of my upcoming posts too... it has been a very popular location request lately!)

One of my favorites... Daddy is learning to play guitar, and he might just have a little protege on his hands!  ;)

baby LOVED disco!!

Okay, so I know y'all have had your eye out for these.  :)  Baby Loves Disco's Tampa Launch was a huge success!  Here are a few "detail shots" and then I'll showcase some of the kiddos.... Baby Loves Disco was graciously hosted by the Blue Martini, which is located within the Shops at Bay Street in the International Plaza.  

Baby News Bits was one of the fabulous sponsors!  Check them out here.  Every mom needs to go to their site right NOW because they've got amazing ideas and sooo very many resources for parents.  Seriously.... I was browsing their site and could have stayed there forever!

LOADS more sponsors.... Yogani (providing parent massages), the Parent Guide, Stroller Strides (who provided the fantastic Stroller Parking - thanks Natalie!), Cleanwell, Moms Like Me, Precious Cargo (who hosted a fantastic dress-up corner!) Aveda Level2 Salonspa (and their super-fun GlamLounge!), and so many more....  Check 'em out!

I was even able to sit down with a few of the kids and have some quickie-shoots.  My favorite part of the day!!  Take a peek....

And lastly, my own disco babies!  :)  My husband brought our kids so they could enjoy the festivities too!  Parker had a blast, as you can see below....  and Lila, well, Lila was a little sleepy (aka needing her Mama).  And since Mama had to work, we compromised.  I can't tell you how much I adore this baby carrier!!!  (Link posted for all you moms and dads who have asked me about it!)  And obviously, another little someone likes it too.  ;)

Parents, your slideshow gallery of the day will be posted to my site in just a couple of days.  Those of you who provided your email address will receive an alert from me when the gallery goes live.... the rest of the parents in attendance, just check the blog here in a couple of days for your link.  For now, enjoy the preview!


ETA:  Here is the link to the slideshow!  When prompted, enter the password "babylovesdisco" (all lowercase, without quotes).  You may email me or simply call me to order!  And remember, you'll get 15% off your order for mentioning you were at Baby Loves Disco!